
Assessor lands dream role after completing four qualifications

For one of ACT’s newest tutors learning has gone full circle. Childcare assessor, Christie Davies, began her learning journey when she enrolled with Jobs Growth Wales aged eighteen, she is...

Live Learn Earn like Bryony

...achieve nationally-recognised qualifications, develop your skills, earn a wage and build a rewarding career. Bryony is a Healthcare Support worker in the Accident and Emergency department for Cwm Taf University...

Double for learning provider as staff triumph at national awards

...Wales. The Apprenticeship Programme is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund. Working with 16-18-year-olds as a Health and Social Care and Early Years Care...

An ACT Traineeship – the next step in your future!

...owner, Natasha Hogan was able to make her dreams a reality and set up her own pet shop after completing a Traineeship in Animal Care and progressing onto an Apprenticeship....

“They’ll learn new things and get the chance to work with animals!”

...he wants to help others in Caerphilly enter the unusual industry of preening pooches! He’ll take on Animal Care Learners from ACT on placements at Pupperazi this year, providing valuable...

From rabbits to reptiles: Training the animal experts of the future in Caerphilly

Appeared on ITV news/ website ACT has opened a new animal care centre at our Caerphilly Skills Centre to help young people train to look after animals. This is a...

Your post-16 future starts with Jobs Growth Wales +

...professional roles. JGW+ courses include animal care, construction, automotive, health and social care and more, so you’re sure to find the perfect venture to suit you. Leon Patnett, ACT’s head...

Reaching out to young people is key to ensuring skilled workforce raise awareness of the fact that such training is available in fields like animal care , business administration and customer service, as well as traditional sectors like hairdressing or...

Just got your results? We have 12 brilliant things you can do next!

Just got your results? We have 12 brilliant Traineeship routes at our Skills Academies that are specifically designed for school leavers like yourself! Animal Care Automotive Engineering Beauty Business Administration...