Jobs Growth Wales+
Animal Care & Land-based Studies
Level 1

Animal Care & Land-based Studies

If you’re passionate about animals and agriculture, a career in this sector will reward you with doing something you love every day.

BBC Wildlife expert opens new animal care teaching centre in South Wales

Published: Caerphilly Campaign, South Wales Argus, Western Mail, Cardiff and South Wales Advertiser. Aspiring animal care workers in South Wales now have more opportunity to train and develop their skills following the launch of a new animal care centre in Caerphilly.  Wales’ largest training provider, ACT Training, is the only provider...

“They’ll learn new things and get the chance to work with animals!”

Dog lover Gareth Jones is helping others learn canine care, by working with ACT – the organisation that put him on the path to opening a celebrated pet salon. The 29-year-old Caerphilly native learned his skills at the leading training provider, which has a centre on the town’s Market Street,...

From rabbits to reptiles: Training the animal experts of the future in Caerphilly

Appeared on ITV news/ website ACT has opened a new animal care centre at our Caerphilly Skills Centre to help young people train to look after animals. This is a replica of our Cardiff animal care route where our learners get a hands-on learning experience.   It’s been set up...

Your post-16 future starts with Jobs Growth Wales +

The wait is over, the exam results are in and now GCSEs are officially behind you. It’s an exciting time, but for many it is also a time of uncertainty, posing the question ‘what do I do next?’ You might think that there isn’t much choice between formal education or...

Wellbeing qualification gives teens key life lessons

A qualification that helps teenagers to better understand key life topics has hit an important milestone. The ‘Self Development and Wellbeing’ qualification, created by awarding body WJEC and training provider ACT, recently celebrated a year since its launch. The Self Development and Wellbeing qualification was the first of...
Vaughn Gething talking to ACT learners
Press Release

ACT welcomes Economy Minister to our Cardiff Skills Centre

ACT welcomed Vaughan Gething MS to its Hadfield Road Skills Centre to meet with staff and, most importantly, hear from the young people who continue to benefit from Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) since it launched just over a year ago. First introduced in November 2021, the Young Person’s Guarantee provides under...
Head shot of Learner Shannon Morris

Finding flexibility and real-life skills with Jobs Growth Wales+ 

After finishing school, Shannon Morris, 16, from Barry, joined ACT and enrolled onto the JGW+, programme as it offered her the flexibility she needed to balance her education alongside her care responsibilities. Shannon is currently on the Advancement Strand of the Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) Programme; a training and...

“I’m a lot more confident when speaking to all different people!”

Animal lover Caitlin Smart wasn’t sure of her next step after leaving school, but she’s just been appointed as Ambassador at Jamie’s Farm in Monmouthshire, after impressing staff! The 17-year-old said a trip there hugely boosted her confidence. The five-night stay was part of the Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) programme,...