IT learner earns placement with Principality
...field. “I wish Joel the very best in his all of his future endeavours and I am confident his ambition will guide him into a very promising and rewarding career.”...

Jobs Growth Wales + programme gives learner a confidence boost
...successfully completing Get Ready and is about to start work placement in a dog groomers, which she is very excited about. Lucy is an animal lover and has many pets...

Rugby legend spends a day at outdoor activity centre supporting young people on pre-apprenticeship programmes
...the animals that live on site and the physical and fun activities teach vital communication and team work skills whilst also boosting confidence. Thomas Johansson, 17 from Cardiff, wants to...

Outdoor activity centre celebrates opening to the public
...and a group of young people for a fun day out. Jo said: “The young people really enjoyed every aspect of the day, but they particularly liked the animals and...