
Law firm Darwin Gray makes key appointments and promotions

Published: Wales Online South Wales commercial law firm Darwin Gray has made several key promotions and appointments including ACT’s very own apprentice. Donald Gray, partner at Darwin Gray LLP, said:...

ACT ranked one of UK’s best employers!

ACT has been named one of Britain’s top educational employers. As Wales’ largest training provider, it’s been ranked as the fifth Best Education & Training Organisation to work for in...

Jayne has become the “poster girl” for Apprenticeships at HMCTS” person having been the first HMCTS employee to achieve a Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4) in Advice & Guidance, delivered by Wales’ leading training provider ACT. However, Jayne’s learning journey...

Cory’s bedding into a new career and in line for top learner award

...awards are sponsored by Pearson PLC and media partner is Media Wales. The Apprenticeship Programme in Wales is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund....

Wessex apprentice to act as role model for ACT Training

An Apprentice at Wessex Garages in Cardiff will soon be appearing in some new marketing material for Wales’ leading training provider due to his dedication and hard work. Rezwan Gafur,...

New course provision launched by training provider

ACT Training, Wales’ leading training provider, has expanded and re-launched its commercial training offering which aims to provide South Wales employers with a range of courses to help up-skill their...

ACT staff & learners are proud to be Welsh! Here are our ‘Caru Cymru competition winners! our hearts we will keep Our singing our rugby and our fondness for sheep No matter how far we may travel or roam To those who love Wales, Wales...

Young people urged not to miss out on essential routes to getting employment

Published: South Wales Argus & Wrexham Leader Young people in Wales are learning to love traineeships as the scheme continues to prove its worth as a popular descendant to the...

Apprenticeship first for Cardiff firm Clarke Willmott

CITY legal firm Clarke Willmott has hired its first ever apprentice after responding to a call from Wales’ leading training provider to take up its very own ‘Apprenticeship Challenge’ in...