Kelly Harry - Carbon

Ensuring your business is future proof isn’t just about financial resilience or acquiring the best talent – it’s about managing your organisation’s environmental impact.   

The Welsh Government has ambitious plans for a Net Zero Wales and has highlighted education and upskilling as key factors needed to achieve this goal by 2050.  

This means employers will need to put structures in place to manage their own carbon footprint. 

ACT, Wales’ leading training provider, has launched a suite of qualifications with a focus on helping businesses become more sustainable and environmentally conscious. 

Sustainability is at the heart of ACT. Last year, the organisation received ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system – an international standard. It is currently the only Welsh Government-funded training provider to hold the status.    

As such, ACT is well-equipped to deliver impactful green qualifications that will change the way you and your business manage your energy consumption and waste. 

ACT Community Litter Pick 2024

ACT Community Litter Pick 2024

ACT Community Litter Pick 2024

ACT Community Litter Pick 2024

Learners from DS Smith talk Sustainability

DS Smith discuss sustainability with ACT

ACT also offers the Level 2 Award in Sustainability and the Green Environment an e-learning course and one-day workshop that gives participants the knowledge, understanding and motivation to make a positive difference in the workplace. The course is perfect for organisations working towards implementing an environmental management system of their own.