What is Jobs Growth Wales+?

In short, Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) is a training and development programme for 16–18 year olds that gives them the skills, qualifications, and experience they need to either gain a job or enter further training.

There are 3 strands to the programme:

A starting point for young people who aren’t sure of what they’re interested in. This strand offers short work trials, centre based learning and a variety of enrichment opportunities.

Developed for young people who have an interest in a particular career. This strand offers industry focused work tasters and placements, a Level 1 qualification and a variety of enrichment opportunities.

For young people who are ready for full-time employment. This strand offers employability sessions, job preparation skills, interview technique training, essential skills qualification and enrichment activities.

How it works

Young people can be a great asset and by getting involved in Jobs Growth Wales+ you’ll ensure your business has its pick of the young talent in your community.

It is an innovative and flexible programme. So you can determine the best way in which the programme can help your business, and at the same time create life changing opportunities for the young person you support.

For employers, the programme offers wage subsidies and tailored support to help grow your workforce. In return, we’re looking for your help to create employment opportunities, work tasters, or work experience placements for young people.

Engagement and Advancement strand

With the Engagement and Advancement strand, you’d work with us to offer work tasters or work experience placements that’s right for you and our young people. If you’re impressed with the young person at the end, you might turn this into a job opportunity through the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme or consider them for an Apprenticeship.

Learners on these strands receive a training allowance of up to £55 per week depending on their hours.

Employment strand

On the Employment strand, if you decide to employ a young person via the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme, you’ll receive up to 50% of each young person’s employment costs at the National Minimum Wage for the first six months and they’ll continue to get guidance and ongoing training from us, to support their development with you.

JGW+ is available to businesses of any size in any industry in Wales.

Employment strand:
The job you’re offering must be for 16-40 hours a week, and for a minimum of six months. Any jobs created must be additional to your existing workforce needs, and you should be committed to retaining your employee beyond the six-month period.

The role must be paid at the National Minimum Wage or above and must not be supported by any other public or European funding

The person you wish to recruit must be:

  • Between 16-18 years old
  • Not in full-time education, employment or training NEET
  • Living in Wales
  • Assessed by Working Wales as fitting the criteria for one of the programme strands.

Interested? Get in touch!

If you feel you have the commitment, enthusiasm and drive to support a young person into the world of work, we’d love to hear from you.