Sep 2021 / News

An incredible 96% of learners rate ACT positively and would recommend their course to others, according to its latest annual Learner Voice Survey.

The far-reaching poll also found that 100% of learners feel safe learning with ACT and are treated fairly and with respect. This has increased by four per cent from last year.

As Wales’ leading training provider, ACT is committed to ensuring learners receive consistently high services across the board, throughout their learner journey.

The survey found that 98% of ACT’s learners said their course is relevant to their job role, or the job role they want in the future (an increase of four per cent since last year). In addition, 99% of our learners feel ACT supports them well with their learning goals, and making sure they achieve them.

Each year ACT undertakes an in-depth survey of its learners across a variety of areas. They are asked questions about the support they receive, the information given to them, the facilities and equipment available to them as well as their overall rating of their provider.

The most-recent survey had a record number of responses, with 3,182 learners giving feedback – an increase for its third consecutive year.

With 21 partner organisations, 12 different Traineeship routes for 16-18-year-olds, and Apprenticeships and Higher Apprenticeships in over 30 different sectors, ACT has a diverse and varied range of learners.

ACT works hard to ensure it delivers high-quality and relevant training and this is clearly evidenced by the incredible feedback that’s been received for its courses and staff.

Chloe Mundell, Learner Representative at ACT, said: “We’re really chuffed to have achieved our highest response rate yet, along with excellent results and feedback such as 100% of our learners saying they feel safe in ACT. Thank you to all learners who completed the survey and to all those involved for their efforts. We hugely appreciate it.”

Richard Spear, Managing Director of ACT Training, added: “At ACT, everything we do is for the benefit of our learners. They are at the heart of everything we do and this clearly shows in our survey results.

“Our incredible teams at ACT really do care about improving the lives of others, and we are always continuously looking for new ways to improve and build on our services. We have a truly dedicated team of people working at ACT who always go above and beyond to help our learners achieve and realise their career potential!”

ACT prides itself on its award-winning staff, strong support systems and top training facilities, and this continues to be reflected year on year in its survey results. Although the feedback this year is fantastic, ACT is committed to building upon this and look to any areas that learners feel could be further improved or developed.

Some areas highlighted for improvement in the survey include:

  • Many say they hear – and use – Welsh in their course/workplace. This tells us that we’d like to continue developing Welsh language within delivery.
  • Of those who told us they have a learning need, or disability, some say they would welcome more support in relation to this.
  • A few learners say we could make certain online information clearer.
  • Many learners feel they’re supported to develop their literacy, numeracy and/or digital literacy, either through their Essential Skills qualification or through support of their assessor/tutor. While this is great, there’s room for us to improve on this area.

ACT is now reaching out to learners across its network – with phone calls and focus groups – to obtain further feedback on specific topics, so improvements can be made.

Interested in becoming an ACT learner? Find out more about the Apprenticeships and Traineeships we offer. From Customer Service to Care, find the right qualification to develop your skills and progress your career here.
