Aug 2021 / News

Hard-working learners at ACT Schools achieved their best-ever GCSE grades this year! Of those who were awarded GCSEs, 57% got grades in the A*-C bracket. That’s a massive jump from last year, when 16% of learners were in the same grade banding.

The huge improvement is testament not only to the hard work of the delivery and learning support team, but also to the dedicated individual learners. They’ve really applied themselves, through what has been an incredibly disruptive 15 months, and maintained focus on their education.

Kelly Rowlands, Head of 11-16 Education, said: “It is fantastic to see such well-deserved GCSE outcomes for our pupils this year. The growth in achievement year-on-year is a credit to the hard work that staff put in to really ensure or learners are given the best opportunity to succeed.”

This year, the bar was raised when ACT Schools first learner achieved an A* at GCSE! Charlie Wiley, who scored the top grade for Maths Numeracy, finished the year with four GCSEs (one A*, two As and one B) as well as a vocational L2 qualification, which is equivalent to GCSE A*-C. Well done Charlie!

His delighted mother Sarah said: “Charlie struggled in three separate mainstream schools and was asked to leave each of them, as he did little or no work. When Charlie started ACT he flourished. I didn’t think he would finish school at all and the fact he finished with the results he did amazed me. His self-esteem, confidence and attitude changed completely. The support and nurturing that was needed was supplied in abundance at ACT.”

Emily Arscott, Charlie’s Art Teacher, added: “I am really pleased with Charlie and all he has achieved with me over the last year or so. He worked really hard in difficult circumstances and deserves all the credit he gets.”

Antony Leach, Centre Manager at ACT Schools, Caerphilly, also praised Charlie’s incredible achievement.
He said: “During lockdown Charlie engaged really well online and in centre and he is very deserving of the grades he has achieved this year. I wish Charlie every success in the future and hope he is as proud of himself as much as we are of him.”

ACT Schools other highest achiever was the bright learner Callum Inker, who finished the year with four GCSEs (one A, three Bs) as well as two Level 1 vocational qualifications. He’s now going on to study A-levels at Cardiff and Vale College.

Callum said: “If I had stayed in mainstream school I wouldn’t have got the grades I got at ACT. The tutors were really supportive and I’m pleased with my results.”

His English teacher Lisa Bailey said; “When Callum started to believe in himself, the change was huge. Callum has grown into a genuine, hard-working, friendly and respectful young man and he has all the skills required to go on to achieve great things.”

Kie Baldwin, Centre Manager at ACT Schools, Cardiff, added: “The change in Callum since he joined us in Key Stage 3 has been remarkable. His grades are the result of hard work, growth, dedication and personal reflection and I wish him all the best in the future.”

At ACT Schools this year, there was one A*, plus six As, 24 Bs and 23 Cs.

ACT Schools is passionate about ensuring all young people are equipped to become successful adults with a wide range of skills and abilities.  We offer a true alternative to mainstream learning, which is designed to engage young people and help them overcome their barriers to participation, preparing them for adulthood and the world of work. We’re also dedicated to reducing the number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET).

Find out more about ACT Schools here.
