Oct 2018 / News

Carly Murray loves delivering work-based qualifications that have an impact on the individual as well as the learners they go on to support.

For the past five years, Carly, 35, has been the Internal Quality Assurance assessor for the education and development team at ACT Training. Based in Cardiff, she delivers Apprenticeships in Learning and Development and Higher Apprenticeships in Advice and Guidance.

Now Carly’s dedication to her learners has been recognised as she has been shortlisted for this year’s Apprenticeship Awards Cymru. She will be competing in the Work-based Learning Tutor and Assessor of the Year category at the prestigious awards ceremony at the Celtic Manor Resort, Newport on November 9.

The annual awards are designed to showcase and celebrate the outstanding achievements of learners, employers, tutors and assessors who have excelled in contributing to the development of the Welsh Government’s Traineeships and Apprenticeship Programmes.

Jointly organised by the Welsh Government and the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW), the coveted awards are supported by media partner, Media Wales. The Apprenticeship Programme is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund.

Thirty star employers, learners and learning providers from across Wales have been shortlisted for the Apprenticeship Awards Cymru.

In addition to the 30 learners she trains herself, Carly also works with a team of 14, which comprises assessors, tutors, mentors and advisers, all working in a variety of support-related sectors, to whom she offers support and guidance.

“I think my background, having been a traveller and missing a significant portion of my early schooling, means I have a deep respect for learner diversity and the ability to learn and prosper in a multitude of ways,” she said.

“I love learning and think this enthusiasm can be contagious. I’m constantly exploring theories, ideas and types of practice that can be utilised by myself and my team.”

Carly studied at Queen’s University, Belfast before gaining her PGCE at Exeter University. She began her career teaching literacy to children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. She branched out to planning and facilitating study programmes which supported young people, who were at risk of offending, into further work and training.

Carly then undertook adult literacy/numeracy qualifications and became an Essential Skills tutor in the Traineeships and Apprenticeships sector.

With more than 14 years’ experience within the education and training industry, Carly constantly exceeds ACT’s ‘excellent’ assessor target. More than 90% of her learners complete their qualification and she has twice achieved a 100% success rate in the past five years.

Her many achievements include helping to develop a new advice and guidance learning programme for schools with Careers Wales and ACT Limited, which was launched in March.

Congratulating Carly on being shortlisted for an award, Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning, Eluned Morgan said: “Apprenticeship Awards Cymru showcase the success of the Welsh Government’s Apprenticeships and Traineeships Programmes and the achievements of our star apprentices, employers, learning providers and trainees.

“Apprenticeships are a great way for individuals to gain valuable skills and experience while earning a wage and for employers to ensure their workforce has the skills to future-proof a business.

“Increasing higher level skills and developing skills pathways that benefit the whole of Wales have never been more important.”
