Mar 2025 / News

ACT welcomed Minister for Culture, Skills and Social Partnership, Jack Sargeant MS, to its head office for a tour of its newest skills facilities.

The Minister was shown the Jobs Growth Wales + programme at ACT’s Ocean Park House, meeting learners from hair and beauty, IT, and childcare routes.

The building has recently had a revamp to accommodate significant growth on the programme, welcoming learners previously at ACT’s Hadfield Road skills centre with a brand-new salon space and classrooms.

Jobs Growth Wales+ is a Welsh Government training and development programme for 16-19 year olds that gives young people the skills, qualifications and experience needed to get a job or further training It’s a very flexible programme designed around the individual; learner. As well as honing keys skills in numeracy and literacy, learners are supported to progress in their chosen field, moving onto apprenticeships, college, work placements or entrepreneurship.

During the visit, Jack Sargeant spoke with learners at ACT’s breakfast club. The club is open to all JGW+ learners and provides an array of food and drinks not just in the morning but throughout the day – an important offering to ensure everyone has access to a nutritious meal and are able to work on a full stomach.

While chatting with the Minister, learners commented on their increased independence compared to school and the relaxed and supportive setting of their centre.

Jack Sargeant was then shown the new salon and given a demonstration of the learners at work.

Many of the learners are currently preparing for the move on to placement. Delivery manager Charlotte Simms explained that ACT has a particularly good relationship with local businesses, especially in the hair and beauty sector, with former learners who have now established themselves in a career offering opportunities to those currently on programme.

The Minister was then shown the centre’s new IT and childcare classrooms and given insight into the progression routes available to the young people working towards their qualifications.

Speaking of the visit, ACT’s Managing Director Richard Spear, said: “It was great to welcome Jack Sargeant MS to ACT and for him to see first-hand the hugely positive impact of the JGW+ programme on learners working hard towards their qualifications.

“For us, Jobs Growth Wales + is as much a wellbeing programme as it is educational and skills, and we are very grateful to the Minister and the Welsh Government for their support. ACT is all about improving lives through learning and Jobs Growth Wales + offers young people the skills, confidence and support they need to succeed both personally and professionally.”
