Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy (CAVC Group)


This policy is underpinned by the Group’s vision – Inspirational, Inclusive and Influential and will support our work towards the key drivers of Quality, Efficiency and Growth. The policy will incorporate the following principles:

  • Those who access Cardiff and Vale College Group must be free from discrimination.
  • Learners will be supported to enable them to achieve their potential whilst in learning, in an environment which removes or minimises disadvantage, takes steps to meet their needs and encourages participation.
  • We will support learners to develop the skills they need to progress successfully through their lives.

Scope and Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for creating excellent learning, teaching and assessment across Cardiff and Vale College Group in every aspect of curriculum, support and delivery. The Group values learning and recognises that learning occurs in many settings, both formal and informal. We facilitate learning for academic, vocational, social and personal purposes in a wide variety of disciplines at all levels to learners from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

In all its activities, the Group aspires to be a learning organisation in which all members, learners and staff, are committed to their learning and that of others. We want to ensure that learners studying across the Group gain excellent knowledge, understanding, skills and learning habits, which lead to successful completion of their studies, meaningful and sustainable employment, progression onto Further or Higher Education and a commitment to Lifelong Learning.

To achieve this, the learning, teaching and assessment process must be systematic and supportive. It must embed assessment as part of the learning process rather than as an end product. This policy is underpinned by the Professional Standards, the 5 Basics of Learning and various Quality procedures which are founded on continuous improvement in all learning, teaching and assessment.

The Group is committed to:

  • Developing quality policies and procedures to ensure the quality of teaching, learning and assessment across the Group is high. These policies and procedures will ensure the effective monitoring of our performance as well as strategies to improve performance where required.
  • Keeping up-to-date with developments in pedagogical approached to teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Ensuring all staff are involved in professional development to maximise the effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment. This professional development will be underpinned by the principles of action research and reflective practice.
  • Gathering feedback from learners and stakeholder regarding the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Sharing good practice across the Group and externally via Colleges Wales and NTfW.
  • Providing a high standard of resources for learners including where necessary industry standard vocational resources and those which support effective digital development.

We will ensure that learners on all levels and types of provision are clearly signposted to any external organisation or body which overseas provision, standards, expectations or redress such as an awarding body, the QAA or the Office for Independent Adjudicators for HE (this list is not exhaustive).

The Governing Body will be responsible for ensuring that:

  • The Policy is reviewed on a regular basis (as per the policy terms of review) and appropriate advice is given on content. The Main Board approves the policy.

Senior Management are responsible for:

  • Reviewing this Policy and the attached procedures.
  • Monitoring and responding to quality and performance data linked to teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Ensuring sufficient budget is provided for professional development activities.
  • Ensuring sufficient budget is provided for resources that support teaching, learning and assessment.

Senior Quality staff are responsible for:

  • Maintaining the currency of this policy and associated procedures.
  • Providing appropriate training and development and support for staff to ensure they can follow the policy.
  • Ensuring appropriate steps are taken to monitor data linked to this policy and that this data is used to inform and improve practice.

All Teaching, Assessor and Support Staff are responsible for:

  • Acting in line with this Policy and associated procedures.
  • Attending relevant professional development events and taking advantage of the opportunities open to them for participation in action research, sharing good practice and reflective practice.

All learners are responsible for:

  • Attending information events during induction to ensure they are aware of this policy and its implications for them.
  • Acting in line with this policy and any associated procedures to ensure they maximise the opportunities studying at the Group gives them.
  • Providing feedback on aspects of teaching, learning and assessment when this is requested.
  • Professional standards for further education teachers and work-based learning practitioners in Wales
  • Common Inspection Framework
  • Education Workforce Council Guidance
  • Digital Standards for Wales FE, WBL and ACL

In accordance with College procedures, this Policy was written with consideration of the impact of individuals as per the Equality Act.

This policy provides opportunities for persons to use either the Welsh or English language. The duties which come from the Standards mean that organisations should not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language, together with promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language ie making it easier for people to use in their day-to-day life.

A Welsh version of this document is available.

This policy is published on the company website.
This policy is stored on the company intranet.
This policy is shared with learners.

This policy is reviewed every 2 years.

Responsible Manager: Dean of Quality Improvement
Executive Lead: Deputy Principal
Accessible to Students: Yes

Date approved: 7 July 2020
Approved by: Main Board
Next Review date: July 2022

Revision No: 1
Revision Date: July 2020
New Review Date: July 2020

This policy applies to:

  • All learners on all learning programmes regardless of mode or location of study.
  • All staff who have a teaching, learning and assessment or support for learning role within the Group.
  • All partners and franchise organisations.