Need a helping hand into employment?

If you are ready for full-time employment and want to get into work ASAP, then this is the strand for you. We will help you secure work placements where you can gain hands-on experience while you continue to gain the necessary training and learning.

Our Learning Coaches will help develop an individual learning plan specifically for you and your needs.

Your learning plan will include:

  • Work-related preparation such as essential skills and what to expect when you get a job
  • Employability and work-related preparation
  • Interview technique training
  • Essential skills qualifications
  • A variety of relevant enrichment opportunities

On this strand, you will:

  • Earn a training allowance of up to £60 per week whilst you are looking for a job
  • Receive a meal allowance of up to £19.50 a week
  • Receive support with travel costs

You must attend for a minimum of 16 hours per week. However, the full £60 training allowance will only be paid if you attend for 30 hours or more in any 7-day period. The amount of training allowance you receive will depend on the number of hours you participate.

When you get a job, instead of a training allowance you’ll earn a proper salary, paid at least the National Minimum Wage.

When you’re on the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme you will also build up annual leave each month without it affecting your training allowance or salary.

How do I become a JGW+ Employment strand learner?

If you’re ready to apply or want to find out more about our JGW+ Employment strand, get in touch with our team today.