Learner Voice Policy (CAVC Group)


This policy is underpinned by the Group’s vision – Inspirational, Inclusive and Influential and will support our work towards the key drivers of Quality, Efficiency and Growth. The policy will incorporate the following principles:

  • Those who access Cardiff and Vale College Group must be free from discrimination.
  • Learners will be supported to enable them to achieve their potential whilst in learning, in an environment which removes or minimises disadvantage, takes steps to meet their needs and encourages participation.
  • We will support learners to develop the skills they need to progress successfully through their lives.

Scope and Purpose of Policy

The Group is committed to putting learners first by listening and responding to their views. We believe that offering learners the opportunity to have direct involvement in evaluating and improving the quality of their own learning experience will have a significant impact on the future development and success our learners, our Group and our local community. The Learner Voice is vital in enabling our Group to make decisions that will lead to the most effective development of the teaching, learning and other services provided to the learner.

The purpose of this policy is set out our commitment to seeking, listening to and acting on the views of our learners. The potential benefits will include increased and sustained participation, retention, achievement, success and progression. The Group will gain a better quality of information about the learners’ perspective which can be used to inform self-assessment and drive effective change.

The Group is committed to:

Developing procedures to ensure that all learners have opportunities to share their views on all aspects of their learner journey and become active participants in governance, decision making, as well as quality assurance and enhancement. These procedures will include a full range of learner involvement strategies and mechanisms to keep learners informed of action(s) taken as a result of their views (where possible).

  • Ensuring resources are made available to support the development of the learner voice.
  • Making effective links to the National Union of Students (NUS) and incorporating NUS processes within all Group learner voice procedures, responding to new initiatives where relevant. This will include making links to NUS bodies at partner higher education institutions where applicable.
  • Training all relevant staff in these procedures.
  • Giving all learners information to ensure they are aware of learner voice opportunities.
  • Offer support to learners to ensure they are able to participate in learner voice activities.
  • Recording and monitoring learner voice, making effective use of evidence provided to inform practice.

We will ensure that learners on all levels and types of provision are clearly signposted to any external organisation or body which overseas provision, standards, expectations or redress such as an awarding body, the QAA or the Office for Independent Adjudicators for HE (this list is not exhaustive).

The Governing Body will be responsible for ensuring that:

  • The Policy is reviewed on a regular basis (as per the policy terms of review) and appropriate advice is given on content. The Main Board approves the policy.

Senior Management are responsible for:

  • Reviewing this Policy and the associated procedures.
  • Providing sufficient resource to support learner voice activities.
  • Providing appropriate training and development and support for staff to ensure they can follow the policy and the associated procedures.
  • Ensuring appropriate steps are taken to monitor data linked to this policy and that this data is used to inform and improve practice.

All Staff are responsible for:

  • Acting in line with this Policy and procedure.
  • Attending relevant CPD events.
  • Informing learners of the policy and procedures and supporting them to access any help.

All Learners are responsible for:

  • Attending induction and tutorial sessions to ensure they are aware of the policy and the issues it raises.
  • Behaving in a way that supports the Policy, engaging in learner voice activities and raising any
    concerns with teaching or support staff to enable them to access the support they need.
  • Providing feedback.

Relevant Higher Education Institution, QAA and awarding body guidance will be considered.

In accordance with Group procedures, this Policy was written with consideration of the impact of individuals as per the Equality Act.

This policy provides opportunities for persons to use either the Welsh or English language. The duties which come from the Standards mean that organisations should not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language, together with promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language ie making it easier for people to use in their day-to-day life.

Support and guidance relating to learner voice will be provided to all learners regardless of the language in which they decide to communicate in.

A Welsh version of this document is available.

Link to other policies and procedures:

This policy links to all Group policies and organisational procedures as learner voice is embedded throughout

QAA procedures related to learner involvement

Relevant Higher Education Institutions procedures for learner involvement

The effectiveness of learner-involvement strategies in adult community learning and work-based learning (Estyn 2014)

Learner Involvement Strategies Guidance for lifelong learning and skills providers in Wales (Welsh Government 2010)

This policy is published on the company website.

This policy is stored on the company intranet.

This policy is shared with learners.

This policy is reviewed every 2 years.

Responsible Manager: Dean of Quality
Executive Lead: Deputy Principal
Accessible to Students: Yes

Date approved: 7 July 2020
Approved by: Main Board
Next Review date: July 2022

Revision No: 1
Revision Date: July 2020
Next Review Date: July 2022

  • This policy applies to all learners on all learning programmes regardless of mode or location of study.
  • This policy applies to all staff within the Group.
  • This policy applies to all partners, stakeholders and franchise organisations.