Jul 2024 / Learners

Beginning your learning journey can be a nerve-wracking experience, even if you are excited to get stuck in.  

At ACT we know that undertaking a new course of education, at any level, can be a daunting task, but we offer support to ensure you feel confident and comfortable as you get started. 

Childcare learner, Jasmine Warner, came to our Aberdare Skills centre earlier this year through our Get Ready programme (an initiative designed to ease new learners into a course before they commit to Jobs Growth Wales +). 

Initially, Jasmine was very anxious, having not had a great experience at school and having left education with no formal qualifications. Jasmine thought that ACT may have more patience and a smaller, quieter class to settle her in. She signed up in the hope of gaining some qualifications and work experience. Jasmine’s dream job was to work with children, but she was unsure if this would ever become a reality. 

Jasmine struggled with her confidence for the first few weeks, something that was quickly picked up by her tutors who then ensured regular check-ins to monitor her progress and assist her in building her confidence and relationships with her peers.  

With time and support Jasmine came into her own and quickly progressed in the programme, moving into a main classroom with a skills tutor by the end of her stint with Get Ready. 

Jasmine pushed herself, progressing a few weeks later to the Advancement strand of her programme and securing a work placement in her dream role within a primary school.  

Talking of Jasmine’s success, Becky Jones, ACT’s Jobs Growth Wales + Learning Coach, said: “Jasmine has done so well and it is a pleasure to her have in class and in centre. Feedback from placement has also been very positive.” 

Jasmine said: “When I first started at ACT I was not very confident in myself. However, with the help of the staff, my confidence increased. I feel that I’m a happier person now compared to when I started. This is because of the help that I received from the staff at ACT and the fact that they believed in me and didn’t let me give up.” 
