Dec 2022 / Learners News

The pandemic led to people the world over seizing the opportunity to take on new challenges. Charlotte Peacock, 40, was just one of those people!

Charlotte decided to embark on a Digital Marketing apprenticeship, realising she could strengthen both her mental and business abilities at the same time!  

“It was peak pandemic and I needed something for my brain. Turning 40 was the impetus to just do it. For me, the qualification ticked a lot of boxes. It benefits my business and it’s fully-funded too, so it was a no-brainer!” 

Charlotte created her business Twin Made, back in 2010 teaching creative craft workshops in and around Cardiff and London, after noticing a gap in the market.  Since then, the business has evolved and grown to encompass Make it Yourself Kits, an online shop as well as an array of exciting collaborations. With the majority of her sales generated online, Charlotte was keen to capitalise on her existing knowledge and increase her brands presence further.   

A lot of my business is generated on social media so the Digital Marketing qualification has helped me a lot! I now do shoppable posts, I joined TikTok and I keep all my socials like Facebook and Instagram up to date. It’s bonkers when people approach me and say “I know you from the internet!”

The Digital Marketing apprenticeship teaches learners the fundamental topics needed for marketing. From Project Management, marketing strategies and business concepts through to developing digital technology skills to improve online presence to attract a target audience. Charlotte has been able to implement this knowledge to build on the success of Twin Made 

“I feel the qualification has made me improve on all areas of my business as it covers everything I need to know and directly links to my business needs. Sometimes it’s easy to just keep on doing what we’re doing and not take time to reflect and think what is going well in the business or what isn’t working well. The Digital Marketing apprenticeship is really great at evaluating all aspects of your business.”  

Having not studied for many years, Charlotte comments that the support she has received, both professionally and personally from ACT, has hugely helped on her learner journey.  

“I really appreciate the check ins I get from ACT. During the pandemic it was a real life line. Having someone to calm me down and offer help and solutions to some of the problems I was bumping up against in my business was great. If I was working on something and wasn’t sure if I was on the right track, I could reach out and get feedback. The qualification is really adaptable too so you can fit it around your assessment needs.” 

Since beginning the apprenticeship, Twin Made’s social media presence has gone from strength to strength, creating new opportunities for her business. Charlotte was recently approached to crochet a jumper and title belt for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) which led to an appearance on Channel 5 and BBC. Speaking about how the apprenticeship has benefitted her business, Charlotte adds: 

“The apprenticeship has really worked well for me because it all links in to my business in a more official, efficient capacity. The benefits are huge! I’d totally recommend the qualification to other people.”  

The apprenticeship has also led Charlotte to consider what other qualifications are available which could benefit her business in the future. For now, though, she’s happy to continue implementing the knowledge she’s learnt so far and to share that wisdom with other small business owners.  

“The Digital Marketing apprenticeship has been really good for me. I’m so glad I’ve done it. It’s given me the confidence to step in and help other people and businesses with their content too. It’s really nice to be able to share my learnings with others.” 

If you want to find out more about our Digital Marketing Level 4 qualification and how it can benefit your business head here.
