Apr 2022 / Company

We are thrilled to announce that ACT learners were amongst some of the successful winners announced at this years Inspiring Skills Awards.

The Skills Competition Wales (SCW) consists of a series of local skills competitions, aligned to WorldSkills competitions and the needs of the Welsh economy.

The event which took place on the 17th March was broadcast live to six satellite centres who each hosted a ‘watch party’. The evening also saw Richard Spear, ACT Managing Director and Jonathan Davies, ACT Skills Ambassador presenting awards as part of the ceremony.

Funded by the Welsh Government and run by a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations, Skills Competition Wales aims to raise the profile of skills in Wales. The Skills competition offers students, trainees and apprentices in Wales a chance to challenge, benchmark and raise their skills by taking part in competitions across a range of sectors.

Competitions span across Engineering, Construction, Media, Hospitality and IT. The Skills Competition Wales Awards recognise the achievements of the learners who have participated in SCW between January and February 2022 and have succeeded in achieving a Gold, Silver or Bronze medals. The celebration events offer individuals and organisations the chance to be recognised and rewarded for their commitment, hard work, achievements, and success in the Welsh Government funded Skills Competition Wales.

The successful winners from the evening were as follows:

Gold medals

Kavan Cox from Aberdare Traineeship for Customer Service

Sara Queen from ACT Apprenticeships for Accounting

Stephanie Watkins from ACT Apprenticeships for Accounting

Bronze Medal

Kain Davies from Aberdare Traineeships for Customer Service

Speaking about the event, Becky Morris, Head of Continuous Improvement, commented, “I am incredibly proud of all of our learners and their achievements, as well as the assessors and tutors who played a key role in supporting them. The Skills Competition Wales is a fantastic way for learners to showcase their talents and it’s fantastic to see ACT included amongst the medalists.”
