Dec 2021 / News

Talented ACT learner Alisha Thomas triumphed at the WorldSkills UK finals!

Judges named her a gold-medal winner, after her engaging presentation on vital diet changes. The bright 18-year-old delivered a healthy-eating talk, aimed at someone recovering from a stroke. She explained how a better diet could prevent it from happening again, for the contest, held remotely, on Friday November 19. She’s the first ACT learner to win a medal at WorldSkills UK!

On winning this award, Alisha said:

I am very happy and proud of myself for winning and I would like to give a massive thank you to Kath, Jon, my family and the members of staff at ACT for encouraging and helping me with the competition.

Earlier in the year, Alisha was presented with another amazing gold medal, from Skills Competition Wales, for her impressive educational storyboards, based on the popular children’s book, The Gruffalo.

She brought Julia Donaldson’s much-loved modern fairytale to life, with craftily-decorated pieces of card and painted wooden spoons. The display explained the story of the Mouse, Snake, Fox and Owl characters, and the important lessons they learned, by encountering the titular Gruffalo.

Alisha, who loved The Gruffalo book all her life, was overjoyed to win! She said:

When I found out I won the Skills Competition Wales, I was extremely surprised and proud of myself! It is an amazing accomplishment.

The animal lover, from New Tredegar, Caerphilly, is currently studying Level 1 Childcare with ACT. She discovered ACT through a family member, who helped her find a course to help reach her career goal of working as an early childhood educator or childcare worker, in a primary school or nursery.

She said ACT tutors have been an incredible support and massively boosted her confidence. Every time I am struggling with a piece of work or an activity they will always help me,” she explained. “Not only this, but they assure you that you are able to do things that you feel like you are not able to do and that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.

She added: “I have developed many skills in ACT that will benefit me in the future. I have learned how to work independently and in a team. They have helped me with my communication skills and have built up my confidence massively. One of the skills I’ve learned is problem solving and with the career I want to do, there will be many times you will have to think on the spot and come up with a solution, so this skill will benefit me massively in the future and help me be more employable.”

She further learned how to bathe a baby correctly, change nappies and do bottles – all important for working in childcare. She’s now putting her skills into practice at First Steps Daycare in Aberbargoed, where she’s enjoying a placement.

If Alisha’s story has inspired you to follow a career in Childcare, find out more about our Level 1 Care qualification here, or get in touch to find out more!
