Apr 2019 / News

For ACT Business Services Apprenticeship Trainer Louisa Mallett, the well-being of the learner goes hand in hand with any qualification achieved. It is an approach which has seen her named as a finalist in the prestigious Vocational Qualification (VQ) Awards 2019.

Tutoring for the past seven years at ACT Training in Cardiff, Louisa’s mantra is the development of the person alongside the practical training.

Louisa is an exceptional and innovative trainer, passionate about teaching and working tirelessly to deliver creative and engaging workshops. As a strong advocate for well-being, Louisa has created an online well-being booklet signposting learners to sites that offer practical support on symptoms of stress and anxiety that can impact on learning.

As part of her digitally-led workshops, Louisa has created a series of Nearpods, an interactive classroom tool that develops digital literacy skills as well as allowing learners to go at their own pace either individually or in group settings.

Louisa’s efforts have been recognised as a finalist in the Trainer of the Year category of this year’s VQ Awards, which are designed to reward individuals and organisations for their commitment, hard work and achievements.

“Over the past seven years, Louisa has honed an incredible ability to build rapport with her learners and pick up on any underlying barriers they may be facing,” said Rebecca Small, Business Services Lead at ACT Training. “Learners really trust Louisa as she is able to understand their needs and create an appropriate and achievable action plan for them to follow.”

Louisa believes that her own professional development is also key to maintaining standards. She has completed a Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Advice and Guidance, is currently on an introduction to Counselling course and a Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Business Administration.

Kim Ford, who completed a Level 3 Business Administration course under Louisa’s guidance, said: “Louisa went above and beyond with one to one sessions delivered in such an easy to follow and non- complicated way. She is amazing.”

Louisa said: “My personal drive is wanting to make a difference to our learners. Real learning does not take place without an emotional connection and innovative thinking.”

Now in their 12th year, the VQ Awards celebrate those who use technical, practical and vocational qualifications to achieve success. A Vocational Qualification – VQ- award is a symbol of dedication towards your chosen profession.

The awards help us to celebrate those Welsh learners, trainers and employers who are already going that extra mile when it comes to developing vocational skills and qualifications.

There are four award categories – VQ Learner of the Year – Intermediate, VQ Learner of the Year – Higher, VQ Trainer of the Year and VQ Employer of the Year – which encompass the spectrum of learning, training and employment.

Also shortlisted finalists in the Trainer category are Anna Bell and Mark Shaw.

The winners will be announced at a prestigious awards ceremony held at the National Museum Cardiff on May 15. The ceremony coincides with VQ Day, which celebrates vocational achievement and the benefits of technical, practical and vocational learning to both the individual and the Welsh economy.

The awards are jointly organised by the Welsh Government, the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW), ColegauCymru/CollegesWales, Qualifications Wales and the Education Workforce Council. The Welsh Government’s funding has support from the European Social Fund.
